The Arkansas Judicial Retirement System (AJRS) is a single-employer, defined-benefit pension plan established on March 28, 1953.
The system provides for the retirement of all circuit judges, court of appeals judges, and Supreme Court justices. The administration and control of the system is vested in the Board of Trustees of AJRS, which includes five members selected by the Arkansas Judicial Council.
Contribution provisions are established by state law and may be amended only by the Arkansas General Assembly. The contribution rate of each member of the system is 6% of the annual salary for Tier I and 5% of the annual salary for Tier II. When a judge is certified as eligible for retirement, no further contribution is required of that member for Tier I. The employer contribution rate is 12% of the salaries paid.
In addition to the 12% employer rate and the statutory fees, the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State is required to transfer from the Constitutional and State Central Services Fund an amount that is equal to the difference between the mandatory contribution rate and the actuarially determined rate necessary to fund the plan.